Friday, April 10, 2020

Mary Knows Us in Our Deepest Need and Comes to Be With Us

As I've been praying throughout Holy Thursday evening and night and into today, Good Friday morning - I haven't been able to get this image from the movie Passion of the Christ, out of my mind - it is when Mary senses where Jesus is imprisoned in a dungeon beneath her and prostrates herself over the spot in order to be with Him.

O, what similar love does Mary have for each of us!
She knows where each of us is imprisoned (in our sins, fears, past, by the lies we believe, etc...) and she comes to us in our suffering and pain to be with us.
O, Mary, my dearest Mother, thank you for loving us so deeply!

Thank you for coming to us to be with us (daily!) for nearly 39 years in Medjugorje to be present to us in this extraordinary way in this time of grace in which you give us messages that will lead us to freedom!

Mary we consecrate ourselves, our families and these Holiest Days of the year - this Sacred Triduum, to you! May we allow you to lead us ever closer to Your Son by living your messages:
to pray with the heart, especially through:

Making Holy Mass the center of our lives,
Praying the whole Rosary each day
Making a good Confession once a month,
Praying the Scripture together with our family each day, and
Fasting on Wednesdays and Fridays, (which can stop wars - so often these wars are the ones that are raging in our souls).

Please know you and your loved ones are in my thoughts and prayers especially during these days of the pandemic and isolation. Please also pray for me and my loved ones as well.

You can watch the full movie, Passion of the Christ, here:

© Janet Moore 2020. All rights reserved. 


  1. Thank you, Janet! Happy Easter to you and yours!

  2. Thank you for your Faith Filled words of encouragment. Prayers for you and your Family!
