DAY 15 of 33:
SECTION 2: Contemplate the Our Father as we take St. Maximilian Kolbe as our guide.
Action: SECTION 2: Contemplate the Our Father as we take St. Maximilian Kolbe as our guide.
1. Resolve to pray a complete set of mysteries of the Rosary every day - as an act of love to God and in fulfillment of Mary's requests to us. So, therefore, PRAY the Joyful mysteries of the Rosary today and every day - see day 8 for instructions/ guidance on how to fit this into your day.
2. Skim through the accompanying pictures and the extraordinary wisdom of St. Louis and St. Maximilian Kolbe, and read through as much (below) as possible.
3. Continue to choose to enter more deeply into the daily prayer program (below) at least in this way:
Ponder and pray the Our Father today and the accompanying Scripture texts as you meditate and pray the Joyful Mysteries - while praying for the grace to listen, to hear and respond to God as Mary does. Praying also the 5th Luminous Mystery: The Institution of the Eucharist as we pray for the grace to surrender whatever is keeping us from responding fully - in and through and with Mary’s love and help.
the light of our meditations on the Rosary and the wisdom of the saints below, let us begin,
then, by praying the Our Father, with all of these mysteries in mind - while entering into the depth of this most perfect prayer that Jesus taught us:
Father, Who art in heaven,
Hallowed be Thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come.
Thy Will be done,
on earth as it is in Heaven.
Hallowed be Thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come.
Thy Will be done,
on earth as it is in Heaven.
us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil. Amen.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil. Amen.
Today we ponder the Eucharist - the Heartbeat of God - and the LOVE of God poured out for us in the Mass as we contemplate the 5th Luminous Mystery: The Institution of the Eucharist!
In this teaching I share a profound miracle I received. It was an awareness of God's heart beating and becoming ONE with mine in Holy Communion. (I share this toward the end).
Imagine the Power and Love and Grace and Goodness and Strength and Healing of the HOLY TRINITY pouring into our hearts in Communion! Imagine!
That is the REALITY for each of us who receive Him in faith and love!
Each one of us is called and chosen to receive this DIVINE LOVE pouring and filling us so deeply and fully that we can become HIS love for others, as St. Maximilian Kolbe's life so beautifully testifies.
It is a REALITY that is easier to receive when we go to HIM in and through the Heart of Mary, for it is then that she is able to live and love and act through us.
May we LIVE ONLY FOR THE EUCHARIST and may our hearts beat only and always for God as His heart beats for us!
See more about my experience of the Heartbeat of God here:
Today's readings (below) are beautiful and profound. Please take time to read through them and absorb them as well as this excerpt regarding St. Teresa's darkness from:
Day 15 of 33 DAYS TO MORNING GLORY by Michael Gaitley:
“After a conversation with a holy priest, she realized that her painful longing was actually a share in the thirst of Jesus: “For the first time in this 11 years — I have come to love the darkness. — For I believe now that it is a part, a very, very small part of Jesus’ darkness and pain on earth.” Teresa’s experience of darkness and painful longing continued to the end of her life. She found the strength to persevere because, as her spiritual director put it, she realized that the darkness was actually a “mysterious link” that united her to the Heart of Jesus.
What about us? Do we yet realize the mysterious link between the darkness we sometimes experience in our own lives and that of the Lord’s suffering? Let us ponder Mother Teresa’s words on suffering that come from her own experience and so, like her, become better lovers of the Heart of Jesus:
“Suffering has to come because if you look at the cross, he has got his head bending down — he wants to kiss you — and he has both hands open wide — he wants to embrace you. He has his heart opened wide to receive you. Then when you feel miserable inside, look at the cross and you will know what is happening. Suffering, pain, sorrow, humiliation, feelings of loneliness, are nothing but the kiss of Jesus, a sign that you have come so close that he can kiss you. Do you understand, brothers, sisters, or whoever you may be? Suffering, pain, humiliation — this is the kiss of Jesus. At times you come so close to Jesus on the cross that he can kiss you. I once told this to a lady who was suffering very much. She answered, “Tell Jesus not to kiss me — to stop kissing me.” That suffering has to come that came in the life of Our Lady, that came in the life of Jesus — it has to come in our life also. Only never put on a long face. Suffering is a gift from God. It is between you and Jesus alone inside.”
Daily Prayer Program for these 33 Days:
is important to make a commitment to strive to pray more deeply, more
intensely and with more of your heart during these days of preparation.
Here are some guidelines and suggestions for how to live these days.
Pray about how you can grow in each of these areas listed below and
while living out this prayer program it is especially important to
Trust in the Truth and Supernatural Reality of God’s Presence within each of them
1. Sacraments
• LIVE Grace and Renew our Baptism - renounce sin and Satan
• Mass and the Eucharist the Center of our lives
• Confession frequently
2. Scripture - Pray and Internalize it daily
• To Jelena: “I’m going to reveal a spiritual secret to you:
if you want to be stronger than evil, make yourself a plan of personal
prayer. Take a certain time in the morning, read a text from Holy
Scripture, anchor the Divine word in your heart, and strive to live it
during the day, particularly during the moment of trials. In this way,
you will be stronger than evil.” (Our Lady of Medjugorje, April 19,
• Rosary – With and in Mary, contemplating Scripture and the mysteries of God
3. Fill mind with wisdom of Mary and the Saints
• God is sending Mary to earth for she is the Crusher of Satan. Listen to her words.
• St. John Paul II – example of life given over – Totus Tuus
• St. Maximilian Kolbe – Militia Immaculata every soul consecrated to Mary will save the world
• St. Louis de Montfort – Mary will form the greatest saints
who ever lived – easiest shortest most sure way to sanctity
• St. Mother Teresa and many more
PART 2: Day 15 Readings and Prayers for St. Louis de Montfort's 33 Day of Consecration to Jesus through Mary - An Online Guide
Readings and Prayers for St. Louis-Marie de Montfort's Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary
“Come, Holy Spirit, living in Mary. Help me to find the love of the heart of Jesus hidden in the darkness.”
CLICK HERE for podcast of Day 15
© Janet Moore 2019. All Rights Reserved.
“Come, Holy Spirit, living in Mary. Help me to find the love of the heart of Jesus hidden in the darkness.”
CLICK HERE for podcast of Day 15
CLICK HERE for podcast of Day 15
© Janet Moore 2019. All Rights Reserved.
thanks!! LOTS of prayer ! lots of good info !!