Monday, October 29, 2018

Heaven's Plan and Answer for America: A Call for Purity, Warning and Hope! The Approved Messages of Our Lady of America Part IV (and Novena to Her for the Elections)

I have started this post (and another that I hope to post tomorrow on St. Joseph - and several more) at least a dozen times. 
The topic and the messages are so important that I've been praying and waiting for Divine help in order to finish them -- wanting to do as much justice as possible to these incredible messages of heaven. 
I haven't felt up to the task -- but today begins the Novena to Our Lady of America for our nation, so I felt called to try to finish this post in order to be able to share it as along with the Novena. 
This novena is asking for Mary's protection and help during these final days before the mid-term elections... 
Please, also ask in this novena that our U.S. Bishops fulfill Our Lady of America's request for her statue to be processed and placed in honor in the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. soon. 
(For more information on this, please see and share: We Need Divine Intervention to Save Our Church and Our Nation!  
See also: Open Letter to the U.S. Bishops: In this Time of Unequaled Sin and Corruption)

So, again, I feel called today to try to write what Our Lady most wants known from her messages regarding purity - praying that the Holy Spirit enlivens and fills my words and inspires me 
and each one of us to pray and fast and live as Our Lady of America asks... 

From the very beginning Our Mother asked our country to be dedicated to purity. Within the vast apparitions and messages of Our Lady of America - spanning three decades, which include messages from Jesus, St. Joseph, the archangels, guardian angels of our country and most prominently, from Our Blessed Mother -- she repeated this message again and again - stating that our strength and calling, as well as the peace of our nation, is conditional to our purity. 

Much of this article will be direct quotations of Mary and Jesus according to Sister Mildred's diary. But, before reading directly from the diary, I think it's important to consider Mary's call to purity so we can better understand and know what Mary is asking of us.

In a world saturated with impurity it is hard to fathom a nation dedicated to purity - imagine how different our nation would be if we had embraced this call when she first asked!

Here's a brief list of evils that impurity has inflicted upon our nation since 1956 (when Mary first appeared). Each has brought about devastating effects, beginning with the sexual revolution in the 1960s, that have made great inroads toward destroying faith and the very moral fabric of our society, as well as countless marriages and families - and even priests and bishops in the Church. 
These evils include:
  • ·      contraception - enabling "free sex" and the separation of commitment and faithfulness from the marital act
  • ·      divorce
  • ·      single parent (and parentless) homes
  • ·      abortion
  • ·      pornography
  • ·      homosexuality
  • ·      (even in the priesthood - and is increasingly promoted by certain members of the Church)
  • ·      sexual abuse and sex trafficking 
  • ·      ‘gay’ marriage and
  • ·      ‘gender fluidity’ -- all of which has become increasingly pervasive and damaging to our society. 
Imagine a world, 
a nation,
our own families 
and ourselves where these ills don't exist! 
What an incredible world this would be!!!
Imagine a world where people are pure 
and thus free to love as God intended
- free from the chains of impurity 
- never having succumbed to seeing or treating themselves or others as objects
- each cherishing and accepting their own and others' God given dignity beginning at the first moment of conception
- every family comprised of fathers and mothers pure of heart
- faithfully committed for life - loving one another and all the children God blessed them with- 
- in an environment where God's love is known and embraced and He is loved in return. 

This and so much more is what God wants for us! 
"For God came so that we might have life and have it to the full!" - Jn 10:10
He longs for us to live in purity of life, of intention, of thought, of will, of heart...
This is what Our Lady is calling us to!
Living this way, I'm convinced, will be a part of the Triumph of her Immaculate Heart that she has promised.

This is an excerpt from today's Mass readings, in which St. Paul tells us: 
Immorality or any impurity or greed must not even be mentioned among you, as is fitting among holy ones, no obscenity or silly or suggestive talk, which is out of place, but instead, thanksgiving. Be sure of this, that no immoral or impure or greedy person, that is, an idolater, has any inheritance in the Kingdom of Christ and of God.
Let no one deceive you with empty arguments, for because of these thingsthe wrath of God is coming upon the disobedient. So do not be associated with them... Ephesians 4:32 - 5: 8
When is the last time we were warned about the dangers of impurity from the pulpit? 
When was the last time we were warned impurity would keep us from heaven? 
The Holy Spirit concludes Scripture, including it as part of the Good News, this warning to the unchaste (lumping them together with murderers and sorcerers and more), saying: 
"the sorcerers, the unchaste, the murderers, the idol-worshipers, and all who love and practice deceit [will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven].  - Rev. 22: 15
In contrast to these Words of Scripture, 
we live in a time when men call evil good and good evil.
Yet, we are not called to live in this deception, 
but are called to live in Truth.
We are called to infinitely more than what the world offers.
We are called to LOVE, 
A Fully Divine and Fully Human Person, 
The One True God,
Who is so much greater than what we settle for. 
We are called to the very Love and Truth of Christ 
and to love as Christ loves ...
in part, by speaking the Truth. 
It is not loving to never speak about the harm that comes through impurity 
It is a tragedy to never speak of it's devastating effects both in the natural order, 
but ever more importantly, in the supernatural one:
"For the wages of sin is death." - Romans 6:23

The Truth is: Impurity will lead us to hell if we don't repent.  
As little Jacinta, the youngest seer at Fatima stated:
"More souls go to Hell because of sins of the flesh than for any other reason.”

Yet, God is a God of mercy. 
So, neither is it loving to stop at this fact without giving hope. 
Jesus is ever ready to forgive us if we repent.
He longs to not only forgive us, but also to fill us with his very self 
through His Divine Indwelling Presence 
(this incredibly beautiful and profound teaching is also found in the messages of Our Lady of America and will be the topic of another upcoming article) 
He gives us his very self in order to free and empower us from sin and it's slavery 
BY LIVING WITHIN US ... if we receive Him...
in order for us, in return, 
to live in Him, for Him, through Him, with Him --
which is actually an incredible definition of purity -- 
if we recognize that to be pure is to live fully as one is intended to live!

Jesus himself prefaced Our Lady of America's messages with His own profound and powerful calls to repentance and holiness two years before Our Mother began appearing to Sister Mildred. You can read these beautiful messages here: "Write these instructions for the sanctification of My people".

However, the first direct mention of purity in the messages of Our Lady of America takes place on November 20, 1955, with words from the Angel Gabriel

"...go to [Jesus'] Mother and learn great purity of heart.”

How fitting it is for Jesus to send Mary to us 
to teach us!
For Jesus knows firsthand what an exemplary teacher she is, 
for (amazingly) it was Mary who taught Our Lord.

How wonderful it is to be in the School of Mary! 
She is the most powerful intercessor -- who knows what we need -- 
even before we ourselves know!!! (think of the miracle of Cana)

So, when she asks us to pray and fast, it is because she knows we need to...
In all her messages, she calls us to prayer and fasting, as well as the Holy Mass and the Sacraments, for these are the greatest means of conquering impurity 
-in every area of our lives - 
including our body, mind, spirit and heart.  
Jesus told us that certain demons can only be cast out by prayer and fasting. 
Heaven alone know how terrible are the demons of impurity that we are fighting against - 
and the great need we have for fasting! 

That is why she calls us to fasting again and again.
The greatest fast we can make is fasting from sin in our lives. 
Other ways to fast are: 
to fast from food, 
from conveniences, 
from bad habits, etc.
Have you ever attempted to fast? 
If not, I hope now is the time you begin. 
It is hard to put into words what a powerful means it has been in my life in conquering my passions, and of strengthening and purifying my will, so that I am able to live more freely, more wholeheartedly and more joyfully in God.
So instead of ignoring and ignoring heaven's calls for us to fast, remember Jesus and Mary only ask us to do what is best for us!

So, what does Our Lady of America say about America's call to purity?
Following are portions of the diary pertaining to purity -- note: the emphases are mine. 
While we read these messages, let us pray and ask the Holy Spirit to inspire us and help us take these words to heart and seek to live them as we are being called:

"On the eve of the feast of the North American Martyrs, September 25, 1956, as I was making the Holy Hour from 7:00 to 8:00 pm, I was conscious of the distinct and special feeling of the presence of Our Lady. She stood by my side and spoke to me. I felt, rather than saw her, though I did see a part of her white gown and a small portion of her blue sash. I was under the impression that She came as Our Lady of Lourdes, and She herself confirmed this. Our Lady promised that greater miracles than those granted at Lourdes and Fatima would be granted here in America, the United Stares in particular, if we would do as She desires.

On the Feast of the North American Martyrs: September 26, 1956: 
 “I am Our Lady of America. I desire that my children honor me, especially by the purity of their lives.”
“My child, I entrust you with this message that you must make known to my children in America. I wish it to be the country dedicated to my purity. The wonders I will work will be the wonders of the Soul. They must have faith and believe firmly in my love for them. I desire that they be the children of my Pure Heart. I desire, through my children of America, to further the cause of faith and purity among peoples and nations. Let them come to me with confidence and simplicity, and I, their Mother, will teach them to become pure like to my Heart that their own hearts may be more pleasing to the Heart of my Son.”

On September 27, 1956,
      Our Lady again appeared to me while I was at prayer. She held the world in her hands. From her eyes tears were lowing upon it, as though She longed to cleanse it from its guilt. It was then that I heard these words filled with sorrow and longing:

“Behold, O my children, the tears of your Mother! Shall I weep in vain? Assuage the sorrow of my Heart over the ingratitude of sinful men by the love and chasteness of your lives. will you do this for me, beloved children, or will you allow your Mother to weep in vain? I come to you, O children of America, as a last resort. I plead with you to listen to my voice. Cleanse your souls in the Precious Blood of my Son. Live in his Heart, and take me in that I may teach you to live in great purity of heart which is so pleasing to God. Be my army of chaste soldiers, ready to fight to the death to preserve the purity of your souls. I am the Immaculate One, Patroness of your land. Be my faithful children as I have been your faithful Mother.

August 22, 1957

... What I ask, have asked, and will continue to ask is reformation of life. There must be sanctification from within. I will work my miracles of grace only in those who ask for them and empty their souls of the love and attachment to sin and all that is displeasing to my Son. Souls who cling to sin cannot have their hands free to receive the treasures of grace that I hold out to them.

In regard to the medal that Our Lady requested to be made... Around the image of Our Lady, as She appeared September 26, 1956, these words are to be engraved:

“By thy Holy and Immaculate Conception, O Mary, deliver us from evil.”

Those who wear the medal with great faith and fervent devotion to Our Lady will receive the grace of intense purity of heart and the particular love of the Holy Virgin and her divine Son. Sinners will receive the grace of repentance and the spiritual strength to live as true children of Mary. As in life, so in death, this blessed medal will be as a shield to protect them against the evil spirits, and St. Michael himself will be at their side to allay their fears at the final hour.
(September 19, 1980

Dear one, the medal itself will not work miracles, but the stronger the faith in what the medal signifies the greater the potential for the miracles that are being prayed for.)

On March 19, 1958:
St. Joseph said: 

“I bring to souls the purity of my life and the obedience that crowned it....
“Let fathers also imitate my great purity of life and the deep respect I held for my Immaculate Spouse. Let them be an example to their children and fellowmen, never willfully doing anything that would cause scandal among God’s people.

America's Call - Conditional Based on Our Purity:

Feb. 11, 1958
America, the United States in particular, is being given the tremendous, yet privileged, opportunity to lead all nations in a spiritual renewal never before so necessary, so important, so vital.

November 22, 1980

Beloved daughter, the United States is a small one among nations, yet has it not been said that ‘a little child shall lead them’? It is the United States that is to lead the world to peace, the peace of Christ, the peace that He brought with Him from heaven in his birth as man in the little town of Bethlehem. The Savior did not come to enter this world in a big city but a small town, again, a little one among many. Dear child, unless the United States accepts and carries out faithfully the mandate given to it by heaven to lead the world to peace, there will come upon it and all nations a great havoc of war and incredible suffering. If, however, the United States is faithful to this mandate from heaven and yet fails in the pursuit of peace because the rest of the world will not accept or cooperate then the United States will not be burdened with the punishment about to fall.

I was afraid that the burden of leadership would be too great for the United States without some special help from heaven. Our Lady assured me that Michael and the whole army of Blessed Spirits will give their assistance at all times. As the Queen of Angels She has loving command over them and they accomplish whatever She wishes. This made me feel better and the fears that I had left me.

Purity in Our Church - Foretelling of Evil:

The following messages were spoken by Our Lady during the years 1982 and 1983:

Beloved daughter, sweet child, there are those in high places in the Church who disobey and refuse respect to my Son’s Vicar on earth. These betray the teachings inspired by the divine Spirit sent by my Son to be with the Church ‘til the end of time.

There are those who teach false doctrines, and those who repudiate the Holy Sacraments. They are filled with intellectual pride. And so refusing to follow my humble Son, they are being destroyed together with those who misguidedly follow them down the path of error and falsehood. Pray for these poor ones who do not realize the misery and wretchedness they are in and to which they have and are leading others.

Purity of Heart - True Love:

Beloved daughter, there is no true love unless there is sacrifice. A selfish heart cannot love because it is filled with self and so has no room for love. My precious one, if self-love be true, it contains within itself the love of all and ignores no one.

Your love then becomes God-love because it embraces and contains the love of everyone. Heed this, sweet child, then you will despise no one, no matter what their conduct might be. The Heart of my Son is open to anyone who wishes to enter and is closed to none.

Be at peace, my daughter, I am always with you.

Our Lady, on the morning of February 3, 1957:

My Son asks of souls love, that true love willing to sacrifice itself for the One loved. Man fears
to sacrifice himself because he is selfish. If souls would place themselves into my keeping, I would teach them the way of true love. 

Sometime later the same day, Our Lady spoke again:

“Reform of life is what I ask as the sign and proof of my children’s love for me. God looks at the heart, and if it resembles the Heart of his divine Son, it is with the greatest pleasure He regards it.

“But to make your hearts grow more and more like to the Heart of the Son, you must go to the Mother, whose heart is most like his. From this Pure and Immaculate Heart you will learn all that will make you more pleasing to the divine Heart of the Son of God. The Holy Trinity looks down with infinite delight upon such souls and makes them Its heaven upon earth.

“Come to me, my children, come to me and learn. There is much I would teach you. It is for your own happiness and eternal salvation. Do not disregard the voice of your Mother. It is the voice of love trying to save you from eternal ruin.

Purity of Mind - Seek The Spirit of Truth:

Beloved daughter, there is so much untruth in the truth that is sought. Truth comes from Him who has been sent by my Son, the Spirit who is Truth. Pray continuously to be guided by this Spirit who is the true enlightenment.

Many are those who seek truth from spirits who are false and lead only to a greater ignorance and a worse destruction. The divine Spirit abides in my Son Jesus and is sent by Him. All other spirits are only true in Him, the Third Person of the Holy Trinity.”

Beware of any spirit which does not abide in the Holy Spirit and does not receive power and light from Him. Meditate on this often, dear child, so that only the Spirit of Truth may abide in you and be the light of your journey to the Father.

Have confidence, dear one, I am your Mother and will never leave you.
There are many messages foretelling the great punishments that will befall America if we do not heed Our Lady's messages. Here are just a few of them: 

"My dear children, either you will do as I desire and reform your lives, or God Himself will need to cleanse you in the fires of untold punishment.
...Oh, if you knew the punishments I am holding back from you by my pleading and intercession on your behalf!

"Will you do as I wish at last, my children?''

I come again to warn and to plead. Oh, penance, penance! How little my children understand it! They give me many words, but sacrifice themselves they will not. It is not me they love but themselves. Oh, what blindness, sweet child, what blindness! How it pierces my heart!

“Weep, then, dear child, weep with your Mother over the sins of men. Intercede with me before the throne of mercy, for sin is overwhelming the world and punishment is not far away.”

“Hurry, my son, [addressed to Sister Mildred's spiritual director] for the time is short but the punishment will be long, and for many, forever. 

In April 1957, Our Lord’s words contained this warning:

“My sweet child, unless my children reform their lives, they will suffer great persecution. If man himself will not take upon himself the penance necessary to atone for his sins and those of others, God in his justice will have to send upon him the punishment necessary to atone for his transgressions.”

On October 7th, 1957, Mary said: 
“My beloved daughter, what I am about to tell you concerns in a particular way my children in America. Unless they do penance by mortification and self-denial and thus reform their lives, God will visit them with punishments hitherto unknown to them.

...“My dear children, either you will do as I desire and reform your lives, or God Himself will need to cleanse you in the fires of untold punishment. You must be prepared to receive his great gift of peace. If you will not prepare yourselves, God will Himself be forced to do so in his justice and mercy.

Regarding the Bishops Processing and Honoring the Statue in the Basilica:

“Tell the Bishops of the United Stares, my loyal sons, of my desires and how I wish them to be carried out. Through him who is head over you, make known the longings of my Immaculate Heart to establish the reign of my divine Son in the hearts of men and thus save them from the scourge of heaven, both now and hereafter.” 

Our Lady, again addressing herself to me, spoke sadly yet hopefully: 

“My daughter, will my children in America listen to my pleadings and console my Immaculate Heart? will my loyal sons carry our my desires and thus help me bring the peace of Christ once again to mankind? 

“Pray and do penance, my sweet child, that this may come to pass. Trust me and love me; I so desire it. Do not forget your poor Mother, who weeps over the loss of so many of her children.”
Miracles of Grace Promised (if We Obey):

“I promise to reward their love by working through the power of my Son’s Heart and my Immaculate Heart miracles of grace among them. I do not promise miracles of the body, but of the soul.”

Previously quoted above: 
Our Lady promised that greater miracles than those granted at Lourdes and Fatima would be granted here in America, the United Stares in particular, if we would do as She desires.

Mary's Ultimate Triumph - according to Our Personal Choice:

“My Immaculate Heart will win in the end, and the Spirit of Christ will dwell in the hearts of men. Those in whom this Spirit is not found will be condemned to eternal hell-fire."

I pray that by reading more and more of the messages of Our Lady of America, we come to recognize how great a gift they are for us. 
I hope they pierce our hearts and that we come to believe they are messages 
for a time such as this.
I pray each of us responds to the Calls of heaven:
Calls to repentance and to purity 
Calls to prayer and to peace
Calls to obedience and fulfillment of Our Lady's messages.

God has called each of us to live in this time 
of ever increasing hatred and violence ...
when our nation and Church is plagued with ever growing corruption and scandals ...
Because each of us have an expressed purpose from God for being here. 
The Holy Spirit will enlighten us to the particulars, but regardless of who we are:

Each of us is called to convert ourselves, 
And to aid in the conversion of our families and our nation
through prayer and fasting and 
by deciding to live in Christ 
and in the power of the Cross 
To witness to the world that we who "were once darkness are now light in the Lord." 
Isn't that amazing?! 
How much hope and beauty is in God and in giving our lives to Him! 
We are called to "Live as children of light" 
in this world of darkness and sin -- 
as beacons of hope, life, holiness and joy to those desperately in need! (cf. Ephesians 5: 8)

Acknowledging this, is there a better time for us to heed Our Lady's calls?
Will we decide today to do so?


"We are now standing in the face of the greatest historical confrontation humanity has ever experienced... We are now facing the final confrontation between the Church and the anti-church, between the gospel and the anti-gospel, between Christ and the antichrist... it must be a trial which the Church must take up, and face courageously." - St. John Paul II's words to our nation in 1976

In the face of such a battle, I pray that we seek to live and share these messages - for our nation desperately needs us to choose to love Jesus through Mary.
With the help of their grace, may we pledge to live Our Mother's call by reforming our own lives through purity, penance and sacrifice. 
Praying as she asked the prayers she gave us, particularly praying often the prayer:

“By thy Holy and Immaculate Conception, O Mary, deliver us from evil.

(You can also find at this link a short history of how our nation chose Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception as our patroness).

And may God continue to bless us -- and the U.S.A.!!! 

© Janet Moore. 2018. All Rights Reserved.

Cardinal Burke affirmed the Church's approval of Our Lady of America in a letter written to the U.S. Catholic Bishops in 2007. 

Click on the links below to read the other articles in this series:

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