Thursday, October 13, 2016

Happy 99th Anniversary of the Great Miracle of the Sun

Happy 99th Anniversary of the great miracle of the sun, which took place in Fatima, Portugal! 

70,000 people, including atheists, saw the sun spin and dance in the sky -- sometimes even to plunging to earth. The earth, which had been thoroughly soaked by rain -- completely dried out simultaneously.  

Even secular newspapers covered the story! 

Our Lady of Fatima, you have given us heaven's plan to obtain peace. 
God's plan that He sent you to share with us then -- is just as needed now, as our world and our country is facing tremendous challenges and evils. 

The Miracles and the Power of the Rosary in Our Fight Against Evil

May we heed your requests and pray the rosary every day. Knowing that we should never fear praying the rosary, for the rosary is about Jesus. The rosary is meditating on Jesus' life - from His conception to His Glory - through your motherly eyes and your heart. It's like you are opening up a baby book to us and telling us about your Son - leading us to love and worship Him in an ever deeper way - the more we pray.  

I've never prayed the Rosary before. How Do I Pray It?

Dear Mother, you gave us our salvation when you said yes to bringing Jesus into the world -- today, you seek to bring us back to salvation -- seeking only to lead us back to your Son.  

Dear Mother, thank you for never ceasing to pray for us and our country!   

We are in great need of you!

Jesus, have mercy on us! We trust in You!

For more information about this phenomenal miracle and the plan of God to change the world, please see:

Entering into the Mystery: Our Lady of Fatima in Words and Pictures

© Janet Moore 2016. All Rights Reserved.