Sunday, September 21, 2014

Horrific Black Masses Continue in Secret -- Why We Must Know and Keep Praying

Why is Satan's vehement hatred directed at the Eucharist and the Catholic Mass? 

The Last Thing I Want to Talk About

On this beautiful day the last thing I want to think about, let alone talk about, is the black mass that was offered in the public Civic Center in OKC at 7pm September 21, 2014.  Maybe you’re the same way.

However, there is a burning fire inside me that leads me to speak against this and do all I can to expose it, in order to stop the outpouring of evil that is being called forth to flow from this horrific event.  I cannot be silent. There is too much at stake – there is too much evil involved. Whether Catholic or not, whether Christian or not, all people of good will should feel outraged at this event which calls upon Satan and his evil forces to come upon our homes and families, our cities, our nation and the world! 

Why are We Still Talking About This?

You may ask, Why do you say that? 
Isn’t it too late?  Didn't it already take place?  
I don’t like it, but what I we do? And why does it matter?  Isn’t it just a desecration of the Catholic host and the satanist said he returned it, so what’s the big deal?
All these questions may be running through your head… or maybe you just don’t care that much or just don't want to dwell on this… but, I beg you to take the time to read the answers to these questions.

Because black masses are taking place secretly around the world --(possibly in your own home town)… And if we knew what takes place at them, then we would understand what the big deal is.

The Black Mass Can Only Be Understood by Searching for the Meaning of the Catholic Mass, the Church's Sacraments and Its Teachings Which it Blasphemes

So what takes place at a black mass? It is hard to find much information about this secret occult worship. Looking online offered little help. But, through testimonies of those formerly involved, we can know that it is truly horrific and evil at its core. While most know that it is at its essence a blasphemous and evil mockery of the Catholic Mass and the Sacrament of Jesus’ Presence in the Eucharist in which He fulfills his promise to mankind, “Behold I will be with you always unto the end of the world” (Mt 28: 20) - one must go deeper into this mystery of the Catholic Mass in order to understand what a mockery of it truly means.

Catholics believe that the Catholic Mass is the joining of heaven and earth – uniting all the saints and angels and holy souls of those who have gone before us --in the Heavenly Wedding Feast of the Lamb of God (cf. Rev 19), in which we are united with Jesus and His sacrifice on the Cross to our His Heavenly Father for the salvation of the world.  He enabled us to partake in this sacrifice and become intimately united with Him in a covenantal marriage bond of love through the bread and wine He offered at the Last Supper -- which at His Word became the Gift of Himself – His Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity in the Eucharist.  He told us before His death to “Do this in memory of me.  For every time you do this you proclaim my death until I come again” (cf. 1 Cor 11: 23-26). Taking to heart this commandment, the Catholic Mass is being offered at every moment of every day continually throughout the world -- as we partake in and join our own sacrifice to the One Sacrifice of Jesus through the Holy Spirit offered to the Heavenly Father – which goes beyond the limits of space and time.

To understand the essence of the black mass, we need but turn everything upside down --exchanging and twisting each truth of the Catholic Mass briefly explained above into an exactly opposite lie.  If we do this, we can ascertain that the purpose and intent of a black mass is a joining of hell and earth – which seeks to unite all of the demons and forces of hell to all those on earth in this hellish feast.  Through the desecrating of the Eucharist, Jesus’ Sacramental Sign of His most Holy Sacrifice and Gift of Himself to us and to the Heavenly Father – he pours out his vengeance and hatred upon this Most Holy Gift which signifies his ultimate defeat-- through human beings who have joined themselves with him.  Rejecting Jesus' gift of spousal love for mankind expressed in Holy Communion, (in and through which human marital love finds its meaning and its fruitfulness), he demands hate-filled, dehumanizing, perverted sexual acts to take place in which he kills its fruitfulness. See the testimony noted above to hear how a satanic priest repeatedly raped his little girl when she came of child bearing age in order to sacrifice the lives she bore him to Satan.  

In place of the gift of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit Who guides and directs us in all our ways to God, he seeks to implant his evil spirit for the eternal damnation of the world, in order to and to proclaim that he, the Father of Lies, reigns on earth as he does in hell. As God uses human beings to share His Good News, His Gospel - to be His Hands and Feet and His Presence in the world, so does Satan utilize (and even possess) human beings to spread his hatred and lies and spread his errors, which feeds war and terrorism, violence and cruelty.

What is unknown to many, besides desecrating the Living Bread from Heaven, Who is truly Jesus -- Satan always thirsts for a living sacrifice of human blood, which he wants his participants to partake in (start at 38:00 of clip if you have the stomach for it).  I refuse to write of this in all of its gore – so you must use your imagination at this point, because it is in Satan’s defiance and demonic hatred of Jesus’s Heavenly Food given to us in the Eucharist: “Indeed, I am real food and real drink. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood will live forever” (cf. Jn 6: 41-59) that he demands that man sacrifice human flesh and partake of it.  Think of the Aztecs and various other cultures throughout history that called for human sacrifices… to be in this frame of mind is to recognize that often an innocent victim such as child or newborn is slaughtered in this horrific diabolical rite.  

These atrocities are ultimately to avert human beings from receiving the reward and goal of their lives-- to live in eternal union with God  in a glorious heavenly kingdom of love which is far greater than our minds can comprehend, (where there is no more sin, suffering, or sadness).  In place of this, Satan seeks to lead us with his lies, his false and empty promises which enslave us to sin and to an eternal and everlasting torment beyond imagining where there is no end to its pain and despair, “in the fiery furnace, where there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth” (cf. Mt 13: 42). 

All that Jesus came to give us – Satan seeks to destroy and steal -- symbolically trying to strip all that is Holy and Good of its meaning in the rite which includes "nudity and sex","stomping and spitting" and "urinating" as the satanist attests to in the link above. Satan is described by Jesus as a sower of evil and one who seeks to snatch away the goodness that is sown in our hearts by God (cf. Mt 13).  Just as Jesus is the Way to the Father, Who shares with us His goodness, truth and life, love, mercy and forgiveness - Satan is the way to hell, sharing with all his attributes of sin, lies and death, hatred, condemnation and despair.  

Jesus tells us, “I came that you might have life and have it to the full” (Jn 10:10), but he also tells us that Satan is “a murderer from the beginning, and has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks according to his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies" (Jn 8:44 RSV).  Knowing that there is no truth in Satan, we must accept that there is probably little to no truth in those who call themselves his priests. With this in mind, we cannot be sure that the satanic priest did not lie in telling us that he returned the Consecrated Host. But, we hope and pray that he did.

So, please take the time to consider what a black mass represents. Please consider that this is a public display of evil that has always been too horrific to be publicly acceptable.  If the black mass took place today in Oklahoma City, what will stop this evil from taking place publicly in other cities throughout our nation and in the world in the future? 

Not a One-Time Event

Please consider that this is not just a one-time event… Just as Jesus humbled himself taking the form of a man, a slave. in the image and likeness of men (cf. Phil 2: 7), Jesus, our Savior, continues to humble himself in what appears to be bread and wine so we who believe in His Words can be nourished and strengthened -- becoming One with Him both in body and soul even while living on earth. Jesus in His humility, is allowing Himself to be crucified again as He did on Good Friday.

Thank God that the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City was able to retrieve the Consecrated Host.  But, if they had not, we would have experienced a modern day publicly held crucifixion of Our Lord Jesus Christ.  And because taxes fund public facilities -- a crucifixion that citizens contributed to. 


Now that we know this horror is taking place, may each of us continue to pray and fast for all the victims of Satan's hatred and violence and for conversions of hearts.  Let us pray and do all we can to ensure that we, as a country, never allow this to happen again!

So What Can We Learn From This?

If we can say that Satan's most vicious anger is directed toward what is most sacred and holy -- because this is what causes him the greatest agony and what ruins his evil plans most effectively ... 

Then, what does his vehement hatred toward the Holy Mass, the Eucharist, the Sacrament of Marriage, the Sacredness of Human Life and the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit say to us? 

Let us ponder this and ask ourselves ... 

Can I grow deeper in my love, in knowledge and in practice of these Divine Gifts from God?  Can I live more in union with the Sacraments and Teachings of the Catholic Church, and be more in awe of their Holiness, Truth and Power? 

Please read Archbishop Paul Coakley's powerful address regarding the black mass for more information: put-out-into-the-deep

We Must Not Give Up Our Hope and Joy!

We must never lose hope!!! This newspaper headline demonstrates that we must hold fast to the knowledge that God is all powerful and has ultimately won the victory over Satan.  Please see my first post on this topic for encouragement and hope -- knowing that while we must not take this evil too lightly, we have nothing to fear if we hold fast to Jesus, Our Hope and Strength. May we confidently and prayerfully respond to this evil with the power of love and prayer: See The Miraculous Power of the Eucharist and Prayer in Our Fight Against Evil.

Copyright 9- 21-2014 Janet Moore

Monday, September 15, 2014

Safe in the Arms of Our Mother

The Entombment by Peter Paul Rubens circa 1612

Many Catholic moms experience the pain that comes from loved ones leaving their faith and God behind.  Many of us live in guilt and shame.  Many of live in fear for our loved ones.  May this article be a source of comfort for you!

On the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows, my Marian Mantle Prayer Group and I were praying the Rosary of her Seven Sorrows.  During the sixth mystery of sorrow, while contemplating Mary holding Jesus in her arms at the foot of the cross, I pictured all of us throughout the world who pray so faithfully, year after year, for loved ones who no longer practice the Catholic faith ... 

I saw that each one of us is spiritually holding our loved ones in love and prayer at the foot of the cross just as Mary held Jesus.  I recognized that even though our loved ones may appear dead spiritually and that evil seems to be triumphing, that is not the Truth!  Although Jesus did die, that was not the end of the story -- and neither is it the end for our loved ones.  Just as we know that Jesus is resurrected, so we also know that in the power of His Resurrection, God  has conquered sin and death and evil --and is able to bring the dead back to life and make all things new! (cf. Rev 21:5 and 2 Cor 5: 17)

And then, I had this inner sight, this understanding – this beautiful encouragement – that flooded my soul with joy and comfort…

I saw, not with my eyes, but in my soul … I understood … that our mother, Mary is holding each of us at the foot of the Cross as well.  

She holds us as she held her Son.  As our mother, she holds us.  

She holds all of us who carry a cross, exhausted and pierced with the blows of Satan’s attacks…

And... as Mary holds us – she holds us as we are holding our loved ones!

All of us are in Christ!  We are all one in Jesus! Therefore, in Jesus, Mary holds each of us in her arms.  

As she held Jesus at the foot of the Cross - she, too, holds us closely in our sorrow.  But in a sorrow that is filled with hope, seeking to comfort us by kissing our wounds and washing them with her tears.  To the innermost depth of her soul, she offers her prayers for God’s will to be done in us and in our loved ones lives – never accepting that we nor our loved ones are truly dead.  

Faithfully and with steadfast hope, she holds us, prays with us and awaits our resurrection.

I understood that just as she holds Jesus, and holds us in Him, she holds each of our prodigals --our loved ones --some of whom we have prayed for for many, many years -- safely in her arms.

I can’t begin to describe how consoling it is to envision Mary holding my loved ones and myself so tenderly in her arms.  

She holds us with truly human arms, maternal arms, arms cradling us with limitless faith, hope and love.  I can envision her looking on us with eyes filled only with infinite love and sorrow for the sins that put us at the foot of the cross – caressing us and washing us clean with her tears.  I envision her fiercely protecting us with her boundless faith from Satan’s attacks, which seek to lead us to despair.

While Jesus was dying on the cross, he told Mary, “Behold your son” (Jn 19:26). In that command, He gave each of us to Mary as her sons and daughters. 

God had enabled and equipped Mary.  He had filled her with Grace not only to bring Christ into the world and remain faithful to Him to the last, but also in order for her to love each of us as her own children! We are her children and she loves us as she loves her beloved Lord and God --her Son -- Jesus.  That is really unimaginable – it is something we can only ponder – that Mary can and does love us --we who crucify her Son daily with our sins --as much as she loves Jesus!

In the economy of Divine Love, when Jesus became man – He drew up all humanity into Himself – he took on our human nature and gave us His Divine Nature in exchange -- making us partakers in His Divinity as St. Peter writes (2 Pet 1:4).  When he died on the cross – he continued to draw and elevate humanity into Himself, bearing the weight, burden and horror of our sin that keeps us from union with Him – thereby, freeing us from the wages of sin and death.

We are in Him.  We are in Him through His Incarnation, through His Death and Resurrection.  We are in Him through the Sacrament of Baptism, which makes us sons and daughters of God who are given an inheritance of Eternal Glory – and in which the original stain of sin is washed away from us through the Blood of the Lamb.

Jesus is God and is an Eternal Being, and thus IS beyond any limits of space and time - all time is meaningless to Him -- it all is an Eternal Now.  

So we can say, in a certain sense, Jesus is forever united with Mary, in whose womb He was formed as man, taking her flesh as his own.  

Thus, in Jesus, all of us are in Mary.  We are in Mary and thus, we partake in her endless faith and boundless love of the Blessed Trinity.  Her arms continually encircle us, and if we allow them to hold us closely to herself, we are held aloft in her faith and trust in God’s beautiful, though mysterious will.  Being held in her arms is like being held in the Boundless Love of God – for it is only through Him, with Him and In Him that Mary lives; and her love and care for us are but a maternal reflection of the Heart of God -- the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and their infinite love for us and our children.  She lives in God and God lives in her, and we are called into this union: “I pray that they will all be one, just as you and I are one--as you are in me, Father, and I am in you” (Jn 17:21).   If we cling to them, we will remain united to them and will be one with them.

So as we pass through the trials of this life, Mary will continue to hold us – offering up a constant vigil of prayer for us and our loved ones – continually loving and praying for us during our deepest agonies, at the foot of the cross, and outside the tomb awaiting our resurrection.  She never gives up on us or ceases to pray for us until we are brought unto the Eternal Life and home of our choosing (whether it be with God or not – for He creates us with the freedom to choose).  Up until we make that final choice, all is filled with hope.

Sometimes truths that we hold dear come together in our minds in a new and deeper way – in an understanding that floods our souls with grace, mercy and peace – I pray that these truths of our salvation bring you as much encouragement and consolation as they have brought to me.  May we be joyful and confident, knowing that we are in God’s arms – enfolded in the arms of His Blessed Mother, whom He gave to us as our own. Though it appears to the world that all is lost, we hold onto the Hope and the Power of our Beloved Savior, Jesus Christ, and His Resurrection.  

For more information on the Seven Sorrows of Mary and on the promises given to those who meditate on them see:

Copyright 9-15-2014 Janet Moore

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

The Miraculous Power of the Eucharist and Prayer in our Fight Against Evil

Ongoing Miracle of the Eucharist in SnnBtarem

While begging God to stop the black mass scheduled to take place in Oklahoma City on September 21st, thoughts of the mighty power of God kept coming into my prayers.  Particularly, thoughts of the Eucharistic Miracle of Santarem that occurred in 1255, whose miraculous Presence continues to this day.  It is a true story of a woman who obtained a consecrated Host in order to use it for evil purposes. As the woman was bringing the Host to a sorceress, the Host started bleeding profusely.  People on the streets thought something terrible happened to her as blood poured forth from the veil in which she concealed the Sacred Host.  Scared, she went home and hid the Host in the bottom of a trunk.  That night, a brilliant light began to emanate from the trunk -- the light was so dazzling that it awakened the woman and her husband. The woman then proceeded to tell her husband what had happened and they stayed up all night kneeling in adoration in the glorious light.  At dawn, a priest was called to their home. He, too, witnessed the miracle and processed the Host back to the Church.  All those who had the Host in their possession (and untold numbers who have seen or heard of the miracle in the centuries since) were converted -- recognizing the power and glory of the Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist!  I don’t know if God will preform a miracle like this in Oklahoma City, but I know He can!  I know that He will do whatever is best in this situation to convert as many hearts as possible. He alone knows if this will convert the person who is in possession of the consecrated Host.  He alone knows what will bring the greatest glory to Him. 

Blessed Bartolo Longo - Former Satanic Priest

Another thought kept coming to me, which is in conjunction with the last.  It is another true story of a man who drifted so far away from God and his religious upbringing that he became a satanic priest. His name is Bartolo Longo and he was born in Naples in 1841.  When satanic forces were tormenting him, his family, who had never stopped praying for him, convinced him to make a good confession.  He did and was helped by a priest who encouraged him to become devoted to the rosary.  In 1870, he became a third order Dominican and chose to live a life of penance in reparation for all the sins he committed as a satanic priest. One day, nearly succumbing to despair for all the sins he had committed, he was inspired to remember Mary’s promise to help all those who encouraged others to pray the rosary.  So began his mission to promote the rosary and to restore the ruined chapel of Pompeii.  Many conversions and miraculous cures took place as people became devoted to the rosary and pledged to build a new shrine in honor of Our Lady of the Rosary.  In 1980, Pope John Paul II beatified Bartolo Longo calling him “the man of the Madonna” and the “Apostle of the Rosary.”  

Let us remind ourselves: We have the power of God with us and within us and our prayers will not go unheard.  We have to hold fast to the knowledge that God is truly present in the Eucharist and He is infinitely more powerful than Satan and all the forces of evil in the world.  He sometimes allows terrible things to happen, just as He allowed His only Son to die on a cross to save us, but He allows it only if it will bring about infinitely more good to us than if it had never happened. Let us pray for the conversion of hearts of those who are instigating this black mass, for “God does not desire the death of the sinner, but rather that he be converted and live!” (cf. Ez 18: 23).

Tens of thousands united in prayer and fasting against this abomination is itself a miracle of faith and a beautiful manifestation of the power and glory of God. We have untold strength in our unity!  So, as we remain united and continue in prayer and fasting, let us call to mind these miracles of the past (and hundreds of others) and rejoice that God’s power will be made manifest and many hearts will be converted.  Let us not get discouraged when we are faced with such evil forces, “For the LORD, your God, is the God of gods, the Lord of lords, the great God, mighty and awesome” (Deut 10:17), who gives us strong and mighty weapons at our disposal!

Let us also recall the faith and steadfastness of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego when confronted with certain death in the fiery furnace, and let us echo their words to King Nebuchadnezzar: “There is no need for us to defend ourselves before you in this matter. If our God, whom we serve, can save us from the white-hot furnace and from your hands, O king, may he save us! But even if he will not, you should know, O king, that we will not serve your god or worship the golden statue which you set up” (Dn 3: 16-18).

For more information about the Eucharistic miracle see:

Copyright 9-2-2014 Janet Moore